Vortrag / Presentation

„When we stop forcing” – How dancers and dance teachers can benefit from the Grinberg Method

with Katrin Geller and Kathinka Sonneborn

13. 06. 2015 / 16.00 – 17.30

(free of charge)

Zentrum Hagelberger Strasse


To be a dancer s not only a job or a profession. It often is much more and always involves the person`s love and passion. In order to make the dream come true a dancer has to invest a lot of time, effort and energy.

Constant repetition and overuse often leads to fatigue and injuries. But to maintain a healthy and happy dancer`s body, the attention has to go beyond perfectionism and discipline. In this lecture we will introduce how body attention can move more towards listening to and understanding the body`s needs.

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