Vortrag / Presentation

„When we stop forcing” – How dancers and dance teachers can benefit from the Grinberg Method

with Katrin Geller and Kathinka Sonneborn

13. 06. 2015 / 16.00 – 17.30

(free of charge)

Zentrum Hagelberger Strasse


To be a dancer s not only a job or a profession. It often is much more and always involves the person`s love and passion. In order to make the dream come true a dancer has to invest a lot of time, effort and energy.

Constant repetition and overuse often leads to fatigue and injuries. But to maintain a healthy and happy dancer`s body, the attention has to go beyond perfectionism and discipline. In this lecture we will introduce how body attention can move more towards listening to and understanding the body`s needs.

The Grinberg Method offers a way to gain more freedom of expression and to learn about the body`s capacity of recovery. We will look at how this can influence our attitude towards dancing and teaching dance.

Katrin Geller und Kathinka Sonneborn have been dancing and teaching dance for over 25 years. They now both also work as practitioners of the Grinberg Method.

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